1 (800) 497-6236 info@geucons.com
16901 Park Hill Drive Dallas, TX 75248

What we do

Our Services

Our real-world construction experience enhances our  forensic credibility while our forensic expertise bolsters  the quality of the construction we manage. Our  construction group operates with a constant sense of  urgency and dedication to adding value.

At GEU, we understand that it is the responsibility of the  construction engineer and construction manager to deliver  projects in a manner that maximizes value to our clients.  GEU provides not only an excellent build, we will offer our  construction services at a cost-competitive price with  safety and timeliness under constant management.

GEU comes with a unique perspective to all construction,  that of the surety. Almost 10 years of consulting to surety  providers has brought us into many of the projects on the  verge of default or worse. GEU typically has the difficult  task of getting default construction projects back on track  and/or to completion. 

Exposure to various construction  projects has taught us a tremendous amount about the  construction industry and all the facets of contracts,  construction defects, subcontractors and estimation just  to name a few. Our construction expertise is years ahead  of our competition. After all, ‘those who don’t study  history are doomed to repeat it.

General Construction

With years of expertise you will receive efficiency, quality service, confident approach, and realibility.

General Contractor

We are a team of highly rated general contractors ready to serve all your construction needs.

Project Managment

Our team of project managers will ensure timely completion of your projects, respecting your budget.

Building Rehab

Our dedicated team will work deligently to address all your rehab needs to meet your requirements.

Design Build

Our excellent, creative approach compresses project delivery times while ensuring quality and care.

Interior Design

Our team of expert interior desingers are passionated to enhance your projects and bring more value.